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Homemade Gak

This homemade Gak recipe is sure to entertain the kids for hours!! The gooey slime is completely squishable, and making it is half the fun.
Prep Time5 minutes
Total Time5 minutes
Author: Lil' Luna


  • 2 4 oz Bottles of Elmer's Glue
  • 1 tsp Borax (found in the laundry detergent section of the store)
  • Water
  • Plastic Cup
  • Bowl
  • Food Coloring


  • Gather all your supplies together.
  • Begin by emptying the two bottles of glue into a bowl. Then, fill bottles with warm water and shake. Empty into your bowl.
  • Add some food coloring to the bowl of glue and water, then set aside.**
  • Add 1/2 cup warm water to your plastic cup. Add 1 tsp. borax to the cup of water and mix until borax dissolves. Then, pour this into your glue bowl and start stirring. You will notice how it starts becoming stringy. Keep mixing by using your hands and squishing the mixture around. A few minutes, it will become pretty gelatinous.
  • Let the kids play with it for a bit and it will become the perfect GOOEY consistency!


**I got Betty Crocker Neon Gel Food Colors and they worked FAB!! The Neon made it look awesome, but I ended up squeezing almost half the tube into the mixture because I wanted it to be really bright.