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Disney paid for my family’s vacation to Walt Disney World. As always, all opinions are my own.

The Ultimate Disney World Packing List – everything you need to bring whether you are visiting the parks or the cruise. Save, print and check off all the items you need for you trip.

What to pack for Disney World - tips and tricks

What to Pack for Disney World?

Heading to the Happiest Place on Earth is so exciting! With it being such a magical trip, most like to plan and organize the trip so nothing is missed. One of those aspects relates to packing for Disney World.

But, what all do you really need?

There are so many things to think of, so I wanted to put together the COMPLETE WALT DISNEY WORLD PACKING LIST for you to use for your next vacation. I’ve been working on this list since we had our vacation and hope I covered everything.

Disney World Packing List - Free printable


You won’t need everything on this list. Just go through and highlight all the things you will need and then you can check them off as you pack them. 😉

There will be different factors that determine what needs to be packed, but things to be considered, include:

  • Who is coming with you – babies, kids, teenagers, adults, etc.
  • How long you are staying and which parks you are visiting
  • What time of year your are visiting
  • Mode of transportation – you’ll need different things whether your drive or fly there

Packing for Disney World - clothes in luggage

Packing for Disney World

Because Disney World is such a big trip, we recommend starting to pack at least two weeks in advance.

We suggest doing this so you’re not stuck doing it all last-minute. This also helps to provide you ample amount of time to get some of those last-minute items that have to be ordered (that may have been forgotten).

Using our packing list, you will be able to decide what is and what is not needed for your family and for this trip. Highlight those items and make lists leading up to the trip so you can make sure you have everything needed in packing for Disney World.

Disney World Packing Tips

Disney World Packing Tips

Do you want to make packing for Disney World even easier? We have some amazing tips to help with this, including:

  • Bring Roller/Spinner Luggage – With bringing so much, it’s nice to have luggage that is easy to lug around. The roller/spinner luggage is great for this! We also like to have a piece of luggage assigned to each kid to help carry it through out the airport.
  • Luggage Tags – Invest in nicer luggage tags or make a point to grab extra paper tags next time you’re at the airport. With kids in tow and lots to hold, it’s nice to have those filled out and on the luggage before getting to the airport.
  • Packing Food/Snacks – Grab the essentials, but don’t feel like you have to pack or bring a ton of food. There are grocery delivery companies that will deliver to your resort. We’ve used and Instacart in the past, and it’s nice to have them in your room right after your arrive. We like to order water bottles, snacks for the parks and Breakfast items.
  • Pack an extra duffle bag – Many tend to come home with more “stuff” after leaving Disney World. Packing an extra bag or two will help you get those items home.
  • Pack scented trash bags – Whether your driving or flying there, we like to have scented trash bags to put all of our dirty clothes in. Not only does it minimize “smelly” luggage but they come in pretty handy when trying to get things back in the suitcases.
  • Pack Dryer Sheets – We also like to bring dryer sheets to place in the luggage so they smell nice and fresh. It’s not necessary, but it’s definitely nice.

Again – download, print and use our list above. It will come in so handy! As I mentioned above, there is no need to bring everything on the print. This list is simply to help you know the things you may need while you’re there depending on your family situation and when you are attending the parks.


I hope these tips and Prints help in planning your vacation to Walt Disney World!

And, for even a few more tips check these out:


About Kristyn

Kristyn Merkley is a published cookbook author, wife, mom of six, and major food enthusiast! For the past 15 years, she has been sharing foolproof, family-friendly recipes—each one tested in her kitchen—that anyone can master. As a seasoned recipe creator, she loves making cooking simple, stress-free, and totally doable for everyone!

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My cookbook is the ultimate resource for feeding your friends and family with 200+ simple recipes with videos, tips & more!

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  1. Laura says:

    I work for a major airline in the united states and we never need childrens’ birth certificates for domestic travel. I would say to leave those home in a safe place. =)

  2. Danielle says:

    Kristyn, your list is just what i was looking for! There are a gigillion other WDW packing lists out there, but none are as colorful and thorough as yours. It’s exactly what I would make if i were creating one! thank you for helping me organize (in list form) all of the things we need to take. We leave on Thursday, so watch out mickey, here we come!!!

    1. Kristyn Merkley says:

      You are so welcome!! Thank you!! Have so much fun!

  3. Kinzang says:

    Wish we can make it?

    From Bhutan

  4. Donna Neace says:

    Thanks “KRISTYN MERKLEY” for sharing depth informative post. Your complete packing checklist is a perfect thing for those people who want to take a perfect final decision in a few minutes.

    1. Kristyn Merkley says:

      Thanks so much for that! I hope it does help 🙂

      1. Donna Neace says:

        You are most welcome.