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Get ready to test your spooky knowledge! Download our FREE Halloween Trivia game and printable answer key for a fun-filled night with friends and family.

Graphic of Halloween trivia print-out.


  • Halloween Trivia Printouts – Print off more than you think you will need in case someone needs a new one or you have more guests!
  • Pens or Pencils – Make sure you have these ready to go and we suggest cheap and disposable since they might go missing 🙂 These pens are on theme and inexpensive!
  • Timer – Utilize your phone timer or a digital timer to make sure no one takes too long and the game can keep moving
  • Prizes – We always have a prize for the most correct answers like a gift card or a plate of Gooey Monster Cookies and Halloween Brownies, yum!

Download The Free Halloween Trivia Printable Here

Fill out the form below and the FREE printable will arrive in your email inbox. The answers are included in the download.

Halloween trivia graphic.

How to Play Halloween Trivia

  1. PRINT. Download and print the trivia questions and answer sheets using the form above.
  2. SUPPLIES. Grab pens or pencils, paper, and any Halloween Snacks or drinks you’d like to enjoy during the game.
  3. TEAMS. If desired, divide your guests into teams or your guests can play by themselves.
  4. START. Assign a host to read each of the questions aloud. Players can write down their answers individually or as a team.
  5. REVEAL ANSWERS. After all the questions have been read, the host can reveal the correct answers.
  6. KEEP SCORE. Keep track of the points earned by each team or individual.
  7. DETERMINE THE WINNER. The team or individual with the most points at the end of the game wins!
  8. HAVE FUN. Most importantly, enjoy the spooky fun and friendly competition!
Halloween trivia graphic.

About Kristyn

Kristyn Merkley is a published cookbook author, wife, mom of six, and major food enthusiast! For the past 15 years, she has been sharing foolproof, family-friendly recipes—each one tested in her kitchen—that anyone can master. As a seasoned recipe creator, she loves making cooking simple, stress-free, and totally doable for everyone!

Get my cookbook!

My cookbook is the ultimate resource for feeding your friends and family with 200+ simple recipes with videos, tips & more!

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    I just printed Halloween Triva looking forward using this activity. need the answers

  2. Taylor Hathcock says:

    I need the Answer key to the trivia is not attached. Please help!!

  3. jennifer says:

    answers for Christmas trivia?

  4. J says:

    What are the answers to the Halloween Trivia???

    1. Sophia says:

      You don’t have the answers to the Christmas trivia game

  5. Rosemary Carter says:

    I would like a copy of the free Halloween Trivia with answers. Can’t figure out how to download and/or order

    1. Kristyn Merkley says:

      Usually if you click on the link, it will tell you what to do or just download it. I’m sorry, I wish I knew why it isn’t working.

    2. Lynn says:

      need answers to halloween trivia quiz

  6. Rebecca+Cooper says:

    So fun!!

  7. Jamielyn@iheartnaptime says:

    This is so fun! Great idea!!

  8. jennifer+@+Tatertots+&+Jello says:

    Super adorable! Pinned 🙂


  9. Amy@theidearoom says:

    Super fun! Pinned!

  10. Desiree @The36thAvenue says:

    Love this… Thank you for sharing!