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You can’t beat a hearty bowl of soup, especially when it’s perfectly thickened. Here’s all the tips and tricks on how to thicken soup!

A pot of pumpkin soup with cream being poured into it

We Love Soups!

There’s something about cozying up at home with a hot bowl of your favorite soup. We love all kinds of soups and have TONS of soup recipes! Let’s just say we enjoy soup all year round in the Merkley household. From Cheesy Potato Soup and Chicken Dumpling Soup to Creamy Tomato Basil and Egg Drop Soup— we love em’ all!

A common issue when making soup is that it turns out a little too watery, which can happen for a bunch of reasons. Whether it’s too much liquid added from the start, ingredients like vegetables releasing water during cooking, or simply not enough thickening agent used, you could end up with soup that’s a little thinner in consistency than you’d like. But no need to worry! There are plenty of easy ways to thicken things up and get the desired consistency for your soup.

Why We love Soups:

  • Endless Variety. Soups come in countless flavors and styles, from creamy chowders to hearty stews. There’s a soup for every taste, preference, and occasion.
  • Simple and Convenient. Soups are often easy to make and can be thrown together in one pot. This makes them a convenient easy dinner idea, especially on busy weeknights.
  • Comforting and Satisfying. A warm bowl of soup is the ultimate comfort food. The hearty flavors and comforting texture can be incredibly satisfying, especially on a cold day.

Table of Contents

Ways to Thicken Soup

Now let’s get into thickening soup! You’d be surprised at how many simple things you can use to take your soup from watery to rich and hearty. The best part is, most of the options we have are staple ingredients you probably already have on hand!

This classic combo of flour and fat (usually butter) is cooked together, and then stirred into the soup to thicken it. If you’ve never made a roux before, check out our article How to Make a Roux for step-by-step instructions!

Both are quick, easy thickeners. Just mix with a little cold water to make a slurry and add to your soup.

Scoop out a portion of the cooked vegetables from your soup blend them until smooth and add them back into your soup. An immersion blender is a great kitchen tool for this!

You can whisk a bit of flour with cold water to make a slurry and stir it into your soup. Another option is to sprinkle flour over sauteed veggies before adding liquid, creating a thicker base from the get-go.

Adding a splash of cream not only thickens your soup but it gives a nice, velvety texture. But be aware, when cold cream is added to hot soup it can immediately curdle, it’s best to use room-temperature cream. 

Beat a few eggs in a bowl, either whole eggs or just eggs yolks will work. If you choose to only do egg yolks, this tends to give the soup a silkier texture. Then slowly whisk in some hot liquid (you can use the soup broth) to temper them (so they don’t scramble). Stir this mixture back into the pot of soup.

This is similar to a roux—think an uncooked version. Mix equal parts softened butter and flour into a paste, then drop small pieces into your soup while it simmers and stir until you have the perfect consistency.

For a dairy-free option, add a can of coconut milk. It not only thickens the soup but also adds a touch of sweetness!

Tossing in some rice or small pasta shapes will naturally thicken your soup as they cook and release starches. This also makes the soup heartier!

A bowel of chicken noodle soup with a gold spoon and fresh celery, carrots, and garlic on the side.

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How can I fix a soup that’s already too thick?

If your soup gets too thick, simply add more broth, water, or even milk (if it’s a creamy soup) to thin it back out to your liking.

Can I thicken my soup with gluten-free options?

Absolutely! Cornstarch, arrowroot, and pureed vegetables are all great gluten-free alternatives to flour or roux.

About Kristyn

My name is Kristyn and I’m the mom of SIX stinkin’ cute kids and the wife to my smokin’ hot hubby, Lo. My mom’s maiden name is Luna, and I’m one of the many crafty “Lil’ Lunas” in the fam. On this site I like to share all things creative - from recipes to home decor to gifts and home decor ideas. Welcome!

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