Honey Glazed Ham
4 hrs 10 mins
A collection of all the best recipes to help you plan your Easter festivities, from brunch to appetizers, to sides, main dish ideas and desserts!
4 hrs 10 mins
35 mins
20 mins
2 hrs 40 mins
Are you in charge or helping with the Easter dinner this year? If so, here are some tips in helping you plan the holiday menu.
Easter Appetizers: Plan for each guest to have 4-6 appetizers. Also, provide a variety of hot and cold, savory and sweet, light and heavy appetizers.
Be sure to check out our collection of Easter Appetizers.
Easter Sides: Plan to have 3-4 different sides for 6 or fewer guests. Add another side dish for every 5 more guests.
Be sure to check out our collection of Easter Side Dishes.
Main Course: Plan to serve 6 ounces per person if you are serving one main dish. If you have more than one main course plan for 8 oz total per person.
Check out our collection of Easter Dinner Ideas.
Dessert: Plan to have at least 2 dessert choices for every 10 guests. I always have at least one chocolate dessert and one fruit based dessert.
Be sure to check out our collection of Easter Desserts.
Be sure to check out all of our Easter Desserts before you start planning.
Setting up a dessert table: The dessert table design should be just as pleasing to look at as the desserts are to eat.
30 mins
1 hr 20 mins
55 mins
4 hrs 55 mins
What is a good time to serve brunch? Brunch usually starts between 9 and 10 am. Once you get to 11am you can skip the “br” and just serve lunch.
Prep ahead of time: Unlike hosting a dinner, brunch means that you don’t have all day to prepare. Getting things done ahead of time will make the morning go more smoothly.
Check out our Easter Brunch Recipes post for more tips and recipes.
35 mins
40 mins
40 mins
20 mins
Once you have your main dish selected you can start planning sides, but with so many options, how do you do it?
Check out our Easter side dishes post for more tips and recipes!
2 hrs 15 mins
35 mins
10 mins
2 hrs 32 mins
11 mins
3 hrs 15 mins
36 mins
42 mins
22 mins
4 hrs 15 mins
1 hr 10 mins
40 mins
27 mins
25 mins
10 mins
52 mins
35 mins
42 mins
3 hrs 20 mins
2 hrs 15 mins
25 mins
15 mins
2 hrs 20 mins
11 mins
1 hr 55 mins
4 hrs 15 mins